Friday, October 30, 2020

Apocalypse Bingo: 2020 in Hindsight

It has been a long year, it feels like 30 months rather than ten months have trudged by. If you had asked me twenty questions predicting the year I would not have remotely come close to anything that has happened. 
Words vanish as I try to write, to put feelings and thoughts where I can see them or even begin to address them. From a distance I have read about the passing of loved ones, family members of loved ones, illnesses, surgeries, emotional struggles, isolation, and frustration. I've been lucky that at the darkest times lived ones and friends have shared inspiring stories, connections and successes in the face of stress and uncertainty. The right customers have come in at the right time with the right words, unknowing of how important they are and how motivating they are. 
In the face of things, I work for a small business that has had to adapt to many changes because of Covid. We have worked hard and stayed careful so that we keep our staff, their families and the sodas we bottle safe. I am not a Nurse or Doctor, but I am one of the people who gives you a safe place to go to get away from it all for a brief time, and hopefully gets to make you smile. 
I've worked through the pandemic. Packing curbside pick ups, washing basket handles, regularly washing frequently touched surfaces, enforcing curbside service or properly worn masks in the store. Working with an amazing lady, Gretchen, who gives us her homemade cloth masks to give to everyone. 
So many feelings, thoughts and experiences. Dealing with rude, childish behaviors and tantrums from people who want to throw fits rather than be considerate, less each week but they still happen. Folks wrapped up in denial, who haven't seen the giant list of friends posting, heart broken by Covid deaths in their families. They haven't read posts written by friends who've had severe cases and been hospitalized or isolated with symptoms for months. They want to use the stats to downplay the severity and death toll, saying the flu kills people or it's just old people. People is the key word. The minute it's okay for a large amount of people to die for selfish excuses- there is a problem. What if it was young people? If it's not as bad as the flu why are more people dead in less than a year in the US than live in the city of San Bernardino California? Why is it suddenly cool to doubt science?
It's exhausting. Each day you look at that days goals and expectations. Each day you aim for three out of five. 
I find myself more avidly following and reading scientific articles, reading inspiring posts by friends, watching their year through pictures, playing hours of Mario kart just to let go of the static stress that is just from the different challenges the year haas brought. 
I come up with my apocalypse bingo card before the next month. For November: Political unrest, a blizzard, more fires, marshmallow shortage, a volcano in Washington state, erupting, a bear stealing a car in Colorado at a fast food drive through, three large hurricanes, Flying Clams, invasive jumping beans from Mexico, and penguins reveal they are secretly controlling the reptile people who control the world, and seven small tsunamis. They aren't things you hope for, but if you plan your bingo card for the worst, when the month isn't as bad as your card you sigh relief. 
It's dark humor and it's working. It could be worse. 
I am grateful in this dark year to have a significant other who is supportive, and reminds me to slow down. Rapture curls up on my lap and purrs, following us around the apartment like we are in a parade. Our neighbors have become our friends. Blue Sun has grown, and we now have two locations open in the Twin Cities, our team loves what we do and we have a diversity of skills, experiences, and character that gives us balance. Our garden was fruitful both in the produce we harvested as well as uplifting the mood of everyone who walked past it. 
I've wrestled with what do I say? How do I put down in words the feelings, thoughts? I don't need to. You feel them. You think them. There are highs and lows. It is dark out there. It could be darker. I'm glad it is not. 

Thursday, May 7, 2020

A Reason to Smile

                                     A Reason To Smile

        Anoka Historical Society called, they asked us for our Corvid Story, Kyle's coming in in an hour to work with me on it. If I couldn't write this without crying how on Earth will we do a video? Kyle's talented. He will find a way. 

International news was alarming. We talked about it. In February we adjusted the schedule so part time staff with family members who are high risk were taken off the schedule. I thought about my days working in medical settings, about fifteen years ago. MRSA, Norwalk Virus. What did we do to keep our patients safe? Bleaching surfaces. Washing frequently touched surfaces. Hand washing and do not touch your face! All the lessons flooded back. With my handy bleach bucket I scrubbed down shelves, handles, railings, countertops, doors; knowing this would become a new regular routine. 

Mark created a Whistler order page and set up an ongoing case sale for Whistler sodas to encourage people to maintain quarantine and minimize interaction for safety. We started getting phone calls, emails and facebook messages for our “online” orders, packing boxes and writing messages of humor, inspiration and gratitude on the boxes. You are a reason to smile. Thank you. Every Blue Sun staff took a marker and got to write or draw on boxes to send out to the folks at home. 

Not the most artistic box, for that either Kyle or Neal's boxes were the best. 

Each time the news got scarier, Mark came to me. “How are we doing? How do you feel about this?”

I looked at him each time. “I want to stay open. We are essential.” We are classified as a Grocery Store, so yes, we are essential. He always asked. Was I scared? Hell yes, but I’ve never let fear rule my life. What we do is important. I got home every night for the first few weeks of quarantine and took long hot showers to destress and wash the fear of exposure away. 

But there’s a more important reason we are essential. We are peace of mind, stress reduction, and sweet, sweet soda. In times of stress, one of the most important things a person can have is a reason to smile. As stupid as I may sound, think of the darkest, worst times in your life- what turned those moments around or made them easier to deal with? 

When my Grandfather died, it was Birch beer. He was with me when I drank it. Still is. Birch beer is a hug and a smile from one of the kindest human beings who walked this planet. I know how crucial it is during turmoil to have comfort.

We stayed open. Cleaning. Encouraging sales through phone and internet. Writing messages on boxes. Between online orders there were hours of fifties music and quiet aisles. What could I do to make things better? I spent years telling stories and painting with children. I got out the paints. Started painting in the store. Redid the mural in the Jungle bathroom. Painted an outer space mural in the arcade. Mark said “Keep going!” I painted blinking back tears, thinking of our families out there. Missing the kids and regulars. Hoping everyone is okay. 

A Blue Sun & Super Hero Girl in Space

Mark came up with the idea for Easter. Easter baskets with soda and candy. Several young patrons gave me feedback on the prototype baskets. Mark listened and got eggs with toys inside and little stuffed animals. We thought we would get orders for about 20 of them. We got orders for over 150. I frantically reached out to our part time staff; they were delighted to get to come to work. It felt so good to have them back in the store, to hear their voices as they made jokes. We literally got to be the Easter Bunny, and it was an honor! It was fantastic to see the delight of customers picking up their baskets. Ted, Kyle, Ken, William and Dru adjusted their schedules to make the magic happen. 

Prototype Baskets
It’s a different world today than it was a few months ago. We encourage social distancing, wearing masks in public, and we are even more mindful of cleanliness. We’ve remodeled the soda fountain area with a fresh "new" oldies look. We have cool new murals, and we’ve labelled sodas based on sweeteners to make things easier  for customers. Our customers give us a reason to strive, you inspire us. 

Neal makes fill in faces, Brantley was the first I saw come back! 
Today, Julia came in and gave me masks for our employees. Curt brought us 3 D printed pieces that make masks more comfortable to wear. There’s someone at least once a day who comes by just to pick up a soda and connect for a couple of minutes with a joke or story. We share, from six feet away. Our days are mutually better because we have those essential moments. What we do is important. How we do it is important. Our Blue Sun Family is amazing, we’re making it through this together and we’re doing it with a smile, sense of humor and soda. 

       Micaela, working on her degree in Graphic Design did a photo shoot with Whistler. We are planning to make a display with an attribution to show of her skill! Billy is plotting posters and stickers. Kyle is working on the video project. We support the growth of our employees by letting them shine, giving them the chance to share their talents and skills with you. We encourage them to follow their dreams, knowing part of their dream is the same as ours and that's why they choose to be part of Blue Sun. 

Angela R. Hunt, Manager Blue Sun Soda Shop, Author & Storyteller 

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Perspective: How do you do?

I spent over twelve years traveling the country. Sometimes living in tents, sometimes staying at friend's homes. All different environments, temporary communities coming together to do festivals before tearing down to head to the next show. Two springs, two summers, two falls. I spent a lot of time hiking and exploring the places I went. 
I learned important lessons. Sometimes over and over. Everyone is responsible for their own choices. A friend can be a friend and make bad choices. I watched it time after time, show after show. Does it mean turn your head and ignore the problems caused by their behavior? Does it mean accept them slacking off or doing what they choose instead of what is expected from them? No. At the beginning of the day, at the end of the day: it comes down to doing the job right. A friend who takes advantage of friendship isn't really acting as a friend. I watched businesses lose events because the owners let friends take advantage of them and misrepresent their companies. 
Sometimes you have to sit down and really look at what the costs are to the choices you make. The costs to you and to the folks you call friends.
 Are you making choices to move forward? Are you representing yourself well? How do you represent the business you own or work for? How do you treat friends, employees, coworkers, customers, employers? 
How do you treat yourself? It starts with this question. Do you take care of your health? Do you have goals you are working toward? Are you just passing time, what are you waiting for? Do you leave everything for someone else to handle, do you feel your entitled to like some mythical Princess? Why? Where does that get you? Do you spend time generating excuses or solutions? Does your time go to social media or does it go into you? 
I don't want to hear gossip, I don't want my time or attention wasted on the dramas in other people's lives. I'd rather see cat pictures and memes and focus on my life than gawk at social media arguments. 
What mental landscape do you tend for yourself? How do you maintain yourself? How do you invest yourself and your time?

Periodically, it's good to pause and assess: where are you and how are you? I hope it's good! 
I've got my feet on the ground. I have a place, an amazing significant other who is building a future with me, a fantastic workplace where our team works together to make nostalgia real. 
I hope your introspective is positive, that you've lost the need for excuses and blame. I hope you choose to make healthy choices.